Heading Home 2019

8/25/2019 & 8/26/2019

 Indiana Dunes, Indiana and Perrysburg, Ohio

Sunday 8/25/2019     Today's drive from the Wisconsin Dells was a little longer.  I wanted to drive around Chicago and that added about 50 miles to the route.  We are staying at a park that we've stayed at twice before.  Once last year on the way home and once this year at the beginning of our trip.  It's a very nice park in the Indiana Dunes.  It's just a short walk from the campground to the dunes and Lake Michigan.  The first two times we were here, the park wasn't very busy.  Last year we were here in late September and this year it was the very end of April.  Today the campground is full and the beach was crowded.  We walked a different way to the beach today, up a lot of wooden stairs and down one of the sand dunes.  It was a very nice afternoon for a walk along the beach.  We are only staying overnight and tomorrow morning we head for a KOA campground in Ohio for our last evening traveling.


Monday 8/26/2019     Our next to last day of driving was 205 miles from the Indiana Dunes to Perrysburg, Ohio.  (near Toledo)  It was a dreary, rainy drive the entire way.  We arrived at our last campground, another KOA, after 2 pm and had to set up in the pouring rain.  We weren't able to walk around the campground so we just had something to eat and stayed inside the trailer for the rest of the day.  Tomorrow, after four months on the road, we'll finally be home.

Tuesday 8/27/2019     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tellus tortor, viverra sed nisi ac, ultrices dignissim nisl. Donec non sem euismod, hendrerit nibh at, aliquam nisi. Nulla sit amet nulla sem. Vestibulum non fringilla elit. Ut erat sem, blandit nec elit et, mollis convallis magna. Vestibulum erat dolor, semper ut risus nec, viverra accumsan velit. Suspendisse a sodales neque, et porta mi. Curabitur nec lobortis ligula, sed varius neque. In lacinia neque eget luctus venenatis. Praesent at convallis purus, eu pellentesque tortor. Duis et egestas ex, in aliquam enim. Ut ornare sollicitudin massa, aliquet imperdiet massa iaculis ut. Morbi.

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